Welcome to MathDoctor.net

Welcome to MathDoctor.net!  This site is designed to help parents help their students as they struggle with the concepts covered in the sixth grade Common Core math curriculum.

Common Core covers a lot of material.  And because of the constraints of the curriculum, teachers are often forced to cover it fast, and they are often forced to cover it in ways that are lacking in clarity.

As I worked with my own son, I discovered one important secret:  Most of the material is very elementary, and students shouldn’t have any trouble understanding it, if it’s presented in a clear manner.  But the layout of the curriculum does not encourage clarity.  I found that I needed to present the material to my son in a clear and understandable way.  And as soon as I presented the material clearly, both my son and I realized how simple it really was.

Since my explanations helped my own son, I assume that other parents and students can benefit as well.  Therefore, I will be posting this series of videos, and over the course of the year, I will have explained the entire sixth grade Common Core curriculum.

In my introductory video for parents, I explain more:

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